Well, normally he goes out, heads right to the forsythia bush and camps underneath it, where he knows I'll have crawl in my hands and replaced knees...NOT a good luck for this old lady!
This time he must have patroled the outter perimeter and then headed back to home base. But he ended up at the front door.
Now the shipping manager comes out of his ice cave, (aka the bedroom with the AC going full blast and the TV going even more full blast..(seriously, how many times can you listen to ESPN or DLN without losing your minds at the repetitive stories??) and sees "his" cat, Cos, standing on his hind legs looking out the front door. Then something goes by...and goes back by...and it's MAX! He was pacing in front of the door trying to get in (yes, he knows where the handle is and what it does but tall as he is, he still can't quite reach it...or he wouldn't need me.) He couldn't figure out why Cos wouldn't let him in and Cos looked like he just wanted to know "Howd' you get out there Dude?"
So The Punk is home... safely, and washed down (what you think prision breaks should be rewarded? Hell no!! I bathed him. That'll teach him...(or me).